The internet as bulletin board.
This reminds me of that great bit in Spaulding Grey's Swimming to Cambodia where he talks about the antiquated Soviet Submarine communications (metal tubes closing the audible gaps) as compared to our superior (U.S.) technology. How in the tinny crackle of the soviet tubes, when soldiers communicate with each other, each side can hear the other's fear and anguish in their comrade's voices. How the humanity is stripped from our communiques in our quest for technical proficiency-- and it's impossible to gauge the true emotional timbre at the other end of the line. Not that we didn't have issues with land-based lines... but the fact that everyone seems to be holding a cellphone to their ear or in front of their face at every available moment. Something about the fact that it seems as if no one can stand to be alone with their thoughts for more than a nanosecond.
The sad fall-out of our on-demand talk-to-me-tell-me-twitter-me-text-me storm of contact is that reaching out and touching someone.. has simply lost its specialness.
1 comment:
Good new blog, Newman photo really is a stark contrast with today./////a bank of phones, for one thing, don't remember seeing too many of those since cell phones/text msg/e-mail....
and the LA "palette"...the instant twitter-me-text-me....very well said. Love the sunset one with something sticking up from roof, and the one "you wish you had shot"....indeed, that memory card found its way to you, not an accident, don't know why....it just did.
I have started purposefully leaving cell phone turned off, with me when out and about in case of an emergency....but purposefully forgetting it was with me....very freeing. Feels good. It's one thing to continually look at your cell if you are expecting a call about a job, sick friend/relative, etc, and another thing to always be "in a state of expecting" a call...need to get a call....interesting....our new appendages...
Remembering my earlier life, much simpler times...but always even then, the good, bad and ugly....no stories at home, no talk, little to no information about important issues-how-to-live-as-adult-parenting-sex-a million other things....
now.....an abundance of info always available instantaneously, makes us want it always faster, better....
so much good in technology/internet ...I feel lucky, very lucky to have seen these changes and to be able to access/use it, not always wisely....a learning curve....And to be alive now at the crossroads in our face.....we could create a totally new, sustainable world, or we could go down in flames....I see incredible possibility as well as the end of our world.....I will work towards the possibilities of a brave new world...
Obama would not be President without this technology. Thanks for the good work. kk
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